Celebrating Waltham Workers at Labor Day

This summer, Stonehurst and seven other Waltham organizations are coming together to highlight and honor local workers. Different cultural events will occur around Waltham the weeks before and after Labor Day 2018. In addition, we have added a webpage on the Paines as worker advocates to our website. 

Wed, Aug 29, 11am-12:30pm, Charles River Museum
Combined Walking Tours: Brick and Windows Tour and Walking Tour of Mill Workers' Housing

Wed, Aug 29, 7-8:30pm, Charles River Museum
Mill Talk: Bells & Bonnets; Mill Girls Both Dutiful and Defiant

Thurs & Fri, Aug 30 & 31, 2-4pm, The Waltham Museum
Made in Waltham: The Items, Industries and Community Created by the Workers of Waltham

Sat, Sept 1, 10-11:30am, Stonehurst, the Robert Treat Paine Estate
Workers' Walk at the Paine Estate

Wed, Sept 5, 7-8:30pm, Stonehurst, the Robert Treat Paine Estate
Migrant, Millworker, Servant, Survivor: Extraordinary Stories about Ordinary Women Who Worked for the Paine Family of Waltham

Fri, Sept 7, 7:30pm, Gore Place
What the Butler Knew: A Moonlight Tour of Gore Place

This special Moonlight Tour focusses on Robert Roberts, the African American butler to the Gores who authored The House Servants' Directory.

Sat, Sept 8, 10-11am, presented by the Waltham Historical Society
A Walking Tour of Mill Workers' Housing and Other Historic Houses near the Boston Manufacturing Company's Textile Mill
Meet at Landry Park, Landry Way