Think about the Paine Estate—site of a tent hospital in the 1918 flu pandemic—and consider the healing power of open space, open air and sunlight. Email thoughts and photos to
Keep on top of the plan to develop the Paine Estate for a new high school campus. On TUESDAY, MAY 29, the Council will discuss this in Executive Session.
Public Meeting between the Waltham City Council and School Committee about the potential development of estate woodlands for the new Waltham High School, January 30, 7:00 pm, at WHS.
Don't miss the Public Hearing about the potential development of 25.5 acres of estate woodlands for the new Waltham High School, January 10, 6:00 pm, at WHS.
Many thanks to Troop 250 for clearing invasives and volunteer trees at the main trail head to the Storer Conservation Lands, and establishing a path connecting trails of the Western Greenway!